Responses to the previous handtrick video

JeniMac said...
So...I tried that video last night and was totally freaked out. I don't understand any of what that guy was saying, but my hands were definitely tingling.
July 13, 2010 6:08 PM
I was so freaked out that I paused the video and ran to get my husband. lol! The video hadn't even gotten to the point where the guy puts his hands facing each other, it was just after he started talking. My husband also experienced the tingles but a bit later, after doing the hand exercise.
Something I'm confused do gnostics *know* this is God and not just your inner self? I admit I know next to nothing about Gnosticism.
July 13, 2010 9:11 PM

Streve Trueblue : Such questions will be answered by the internal voice. Oh and then there's dreams night and day. In 7 days.

Comments From Youtube
(1 month ago) Show Hide
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That is totally FREAKY!!! I did it and I had to get pretty close together with my hands at first but then the 'warmth' spread down my neck, shoulders, arms, and back and then I could feel that.... energy? further away from my body.

Just.. stunned.

Thank you very much for making this video.

MaBu888 (8 months ago) 

Reporting at
of the video... hands went warm. :)
kimbo99 (8 months ago) 
Responses vary hearing internal music can take hours or days. Practice the handtrick for 2-3 mins every night before sleep. Some peoples hands take a few days to wake up. Don't know why.

Sam- This is something completely new- I studied chigung, martial arts, taichi, and so on. I am a massage therapist or should I say I am trained in that art because I do not practice.What I am getting at is that I am well versed in chi and its use. But this hand tingle thing is totally new to me. I have never experienced anything like it.

1. Ted Heistman Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 8:08 am
I really like this. I linked to the True blue Healer site on my blog too, because I know exactly what he is talking about and had the same experience

amberlici0us (3 months ago) Show Hide
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Very, very interesting... I lost my dream recall years ago. I've been recently searching for a method to bring it back. It sounds possible with this 7 worth it to go for it.

I'm working on a meditation method that's focused on taking in prana & committed to follow it without co-mingling other methods into it at this time... What I appreciate most about this, is that it is not meditation. I can do the hand exercise before bed without interfering with the prana meditation system.
(3 months ago) Show Hide
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LAY GNOSIS will not disrupt your daily life practices. Continue your meditations. Dreams in 7 days. A few minutes before waking. Any probs ask. Can I just say, I think you're fabulous !
amberlici0us (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Very little came through, though I did remember one snippet of a dream. It did not come forward upon waking, but as a thought later in the day - trying to decipher if what I recalled was real, or a dream. Then a subsequent thought made me realize it was a dream, for which further confirmation was received a few days later.

So we are crawling in the right direction. =)

Thanks for the compliment.
kimbo99 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Dream fading is caused by movement as you wake. So, As you awake, remain still.
Notebook beside the bed. For an email address I will supply a mantra that reconsitutes a dissolving dream. You are being tuned in biochemically now . Do the hand practice nightly.

Matthew a returned soldier
----- Original Message -----
From: allgnosis

Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 9:46 PM

Subject: [LayGnosis] A first impression of LG- astonishment

This from A US soldier, a committed Christian, recently returned from IRAQ.
Name of Mathew Patton.

Became interested in LG thru the Gopsel of John video on Lay Gnosis.
He asked a question about how much Gnosis in early Christian times resembled modern day LG.

A couple of days later Matthew wrote this....

Very thorough answer, thank you for that. I physically heard
that 'And I love you so' music play out of nowhere yesterday, it kind of tripped me out, it didn't play in my mind, I could actually physically hear it. Very odd.

Steve Trueblue here -Notice how realistic the song phrase AILYS
sounded to him though it was entirely internal. Telephone bells are equally convincing. Ask Beki !
Love Steve

From Matthew Patton Replies [Lay Gnosis] A first impression of LG- astonishment
On strange phantom cell phone calls

Yes, Steve (if you were meaning me) VERY convincing. It was happening and sounded just like my cell phone.
Recently I started keeping my phone on vibrate, so now instead of ringing my phone does the "BZZZZZZZZ' "BZZZZZZZ"
vibrate thing. (You hear/feel it vibrating against things.)

And guess what started happening...the telephone ring sound I was hearing has changed to a "BZZZZZZZ" "BZZZZZZ".
I check my phone and no calls. Sometimes it happens when I'm sleeping, too, and wakes me up. Really loud/strong like it's right beside my head and it's
like I FEEL it in my head.

The AND I LOVE YOU SO song phrase is not showing up as much for me, but I have been hearing the Beatles "All You Need Is Love" daily and some days several times a day.
Oddly, it seems to be in answer to almost any question I have lately. (Easily a correct answer, too!) :)